doctor inspecting an x-ray on a phone

How to record the Care Certificate online

All trainee care workers will have to complete the certificate as part of their induction training.

How to record the Care Certificate online

From December 2017, the Care Certificate will be a requirement of the new apprenticeship standards in healthcare.

All trainee care workers will have to complete the certificate as part of their induction training – so it's a big undertaking for you and your staff. 

There are many things you can do to make the Care Certificate process easier, but the most effective thing you can do is take the training online. With the right elearning tools, trainees can access resources and collect evidence of their skills using any device, so they can train wherever they are.

Follow these five simple steps to manager the Care Certificate online:

 1. Find an eLearning platform

It's best to choose an elearning tool with a training eportfolio and virtual learning environment, so your trainees can access training resources and store their evidence in the same place. It's also a good idea to find one with an app so trainees can take photos, videos and audio clips on the ward instead of writing up notes. We're a little bit biased, but a learning platform like OneFile ticks all the boxes!

 2. Customise your Centre

At OneFile, the Care Certificate standards are already loaded onto our eportfolio system and ready to go. With our virtual learning environment, you can also upload training resources, worksheets and guides to support your staff, and even attach a downloadable certificate for when they've completed the course. You can also completely customise your centre to suit your needs.

 3. Enrol your learners

As soon as your centre is set up, you can start enrolling trainees onto the system. At OneFile, we provide free online support, face-to-face training and handy user guides to make the process as simple as possible.

 4. Train and assess

With an eportfolio, trainees can collect photo, video and audio evidence of their skills and map them against the Care Certificate standards. Assessors and managers can track their staff's progress, send online feedback and assess remotely. It's simple, cost-effective and completely paper-free.

 5. Complete The Care Certificate

When trainees have collected all the evidence they need to support the Care Certificate, managers can sign off their work and generate a printable Care Certificate. Each trainee can keep their online record of evidence and use it towards the rest of their qualification. Everything is securely stored in the cloud, completely eliminating the need for hefty folders and storage costs.

To learn more about how you can use OneFile to manage the Care Certificate, download our free brochure. You'll find out:

  • How elearning supports your staff
  • How OneFile makes training easier
  • How OneFile benefits learners, assessors, managers and patients
  • What other NHS trusts think
  • How to get started


Download guide 

This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.