people working around a tablet that shows onefile software

What to look for in a great VLE

The best VLEs offer an all-in-one platform that can be easily adapted to different qualifications and learning styles.

What to look for in a great VLE

people working around a tablet that shows onefile software

Virtual learning environment (VLEs) are the heart of modern teaching and learning.

Most colleges and training providers already use some kind of learning platform to help them deliver training, so if you haven't invested yet, it's time to start looking. The best VLEs offer an all-in-one platform that can be easily adapted to different qualifications and learning styles, but there are some other crucial things to look out for in a great VLE.

Find out why OneFile's VLE is the best on the market!

1. Ease of use

Adapting to new technology is always a challenge, so finding a system that's easy to use is really important. Your VLE will be used every day by people of all ages and abilities, so look for a system that's intuitive, simple and flexible.

2. Content mapping

VLEs are more than just an online library, they're a vital part of the training and assessment journey. With an advanced VLE you can map content against a learning outcome, so each piece of content counts towards a qualification. 

3. Flexible content

There's more to life than PDFs! Make sure your VLE allows you to create or upload a diverse range of content, including videos, quizzes, documents and presentations. Different people learn in different ways, so having a wide range of interactive content will help increase learner engagement. Look for a VLE with a SCORM import feature so you can upload existing resources in just a few clicks. 

4. Technical support

Finding a VLE with an expert technical support team will make your life a whole lot easier. Look for a provider that offers free online training, user guides and tech updates. A great provider will also have an in-house development team and make regular software updates throughout the year to fix bugs and improve functionality. 

5. Integrations

Integrations often get overlooked, but they're an absolutely crucial part of your VLE. Look for a software that already integrates with your MIS system, eportfolio and admin systems, so you can share information across multiple platforms without duplicating data. If your VLE integrates with your eportfolio you can sync data between the two, making it easy to track learner progress.


At OneFile, our VLE is part of our all-in-one learning platform. It integrates fully with our assessment eportfolio so you can map content against criteria, track progress, generate reports, and sync all data between both systems. 

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.