royal carriage on a smartphone

Find the best eportfolio for your centre

Eportfolios are absolute lifesavers for assessors and apprentices across the country.

Find the best eportfolio for your centre - in 5 easy steps

royal carriage on a smartphone

Eportfolios are absolute lifesavers for assessors and apprentices across the country.

But with so many different types of software to choose from, how do you know which one is best for your centre?

Here are our top five things to look out for:

Ease of use

Many things in life are already over-complicated – so why choose a complex software? Investing in an eportfolio that’s easy to use is really important for your assessors and apprentices. It may take a little time to get used to a new system, but once you’ve got the hang of it, uploading evidence, sending messages and submitting assessments will be second nature.


What’s the point of having an eportfolio that doesn’t fit your requirements? You need a flexible, customisable option that can be adapted to suit you – from branding to functionality.

Mobile features

Did you know the average Brit spends over 11 hours on their phone every week? That’s a lot of time that could be spent training instead of checking social media and playing games. With a mobile app, users can access their portfolio anytime, anywhere and on any device – even offline. This means no more procrastination – just more progress!


This one sounds a bit odd, but a company’s popularity is a great measure of the quality of their products. Do your peers use them? How many customers do they have? Are they endorsed by multiple awarding bodies? If your eportfolio provider has an excellent reputation across the board, they’re likely to deliver a high-quality solution, backed by strong community of partners.


So finding a software provider with an expert technical support team will make your life a whole lot easier. Look for a company that offers free training, user guides, webinars and online support.

Download our benefits brochure.

At OneFile, our eportfolio has been perfected over 10 years of development, so our simple yet effective software ticks all the boxes.

We have a dedicated team of UX designers, so it’s easy to use. We also have a whole flock of expert software developers, so we can adapt the system to suit you. Our sophisticated app is available on Apple, Android and Windows phones. Our eportfolio is the most used, most loved and most endorsed on the market. And our technical support team… they’ve won awards for their excellence service.

Heard enough?

Download our benefits brochure to find out how OneFile can help assessors and apprentices.

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This article includes research and opinion sourced by OneFile at the time of publication. Things may have changed since then,
so this research is to be used at the reader's discretion. OneFile is not liable for any action taken based on this research.